Press release just in: Santa Fe Mayor David Coss is putting together a roundtable of citizens to "discuss and make recommendations on how the city's historic Plaza can best be protected and preserved while also serving as a community gathering place."
The Plaza board will have nine members collectively representing the following interests: Major commercial event organizers; other special event organizers; the historic preservation community; ohe 400th anniversary event planners; downtown merchants; and the public at large.
I can think of only one individual to represent the dance-dance-rave-firedance-artist-hippy-hip-hop-indie-rock-twenty-and-early -thirty-something segment of the Santa Fe community, of which I'll go ahead and include myself.
Funk the plaza. Yeah, that's who I'd want representing me as the plaza roundtable discusses:
1. Appropriate use of the Plaza for major commercial events and special events;
2. Alternative sites for major commercial events and special events; and
3. Restrictions on the use of the Plaza for major commercial events and special events.
That's all for 2011, by the way. Here's the
Someone tweet at Ginger that apps and resumes are due by April 20. Snail mail 'em to 200 Lincoln Ave. PO Box 909 Santa Fe, NM 87504 or by email to: