Santa Fe got a taste of the Occupy Wall Street protests when around 75 people demonstrated at a local Bank of America on Oct. 1.
Though the turnout paled in size and effect to the Manhattan protests, at least one city resident made it to the big show recently.
Santa Fean Mark Jacobs, who operates Many Paths World Service, a nonprofit advocacy group, joined the Wall Street protests after being inspired by the Arab Spring. Jacobs says it's only a matter of time before something similar happens in the US.
"I think we're a little too complacent and a little tired after three years of economic collapse," he tells SFR. "It's time to put our voice into action."
Occupy Wall Street has been underway for almost a month. Its protests against corporate greed and the wealth gap have spread to dozens of other cities.
While protesting, Jacobs was arrested and detained for six hours for walking in the street instead of on sidewalks, he says. But he's not discouraged. He's tentatively planning a march from Wall Street to Washington, DC, to "symbolically link these two seats of power," he says.
Closer to home, another Occupy Santa Fe protest is planned for the same Bank of America location, on the corner of St. Francis Drive and Paseo de Peralta, at 10 am Saturday, Oct. 8.