Occupy Santa Fe continues tonight with a general assembly at the Railyard. If you haven't made an appearance yet, check out our video to learn how Occupy's self-government works.
Below, watch a video of SFR's footage from the last two Occupy Santa Fe rallies. Another march and rally is planned for this Saturday, Oct. 22 (details to be discussed tonight).
Tonight , Occupiers will meet at SITE Santa Fe in the Railyard. Join them! (But if you can't make it, follow @OccupySantaFe on Twitter or visit the organization's Facebook page for more updates.)
According to our friends up north, Occupy Taos is also going strong, with more than 250 people turning out for last Friday's rally.
Occupy Taos demonstrates daily from noon until 1 pm in front of the World Cup Café (where, ahem, we also now deliver the Reporter!) and is planning another 4 pm rally at the Plaza on Friday , plus a noon march on Saturday . Find out more via OT's Facebook page.
For more on Occupy Wall Street, check out SFR's First Person piece by part-time New Mexican, writer and actor Melanie Hamlett.
Here's the video: