Poet Rachelle Woods and musician Juliana Peterson celebrate the promise of a much-needed spring in Poems for Brigid .---
For their two-woman show, Woods reads a varied selection of her poems and Peterson responds with songs and accordion pieces.
The two met while doing contact improv, a free form style of dancing where there is no leader or follower. Having to work together in such an impromptu way helped the two artists appreciate the collaborative process.
"We both value how one piece of art informs the next piece of art," Woods tells SFR, "What makes a song? Why is a song different from a poem? Being able to make two pieces of art from the same words is something really exciting to me."
The performance is held in honor of the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. More specifically, it is held in honor of Brigid.
Long before people started paying tribute to a prognosticating marmot called
, there was Brigid.
is the Celtic triple goddess of the hearth and healing, of smith-craft and of poetry and song. When Christianity replaced paganism in Ireland, she became known as St. Brigid. Much like Groundhog Day, St. Brigid's Day (or
) is a celebration of the impending spring.
According to Woods, the holiday marks a time "when we all need a little hope that spring will actually come."
Considering that New Mexico is currently in a state of emergency due to a recent gas shortage, spring probably can't come soon enough for most Land of Enchantment residents.
Poems for Brigid
3 pm Sunday, Feb. 6Suggested donationTeatro Paraguas Studio3221-B Richards Lane424-1601