So brave, they stay hidden
The "patriots" that have been accused of false imprisonment of migrants at the border are back. The United Constitutional Patriots, now re-named as the Guardian Patriots, were kicked off the land they'd claimed as their home base, but the Deming Headlight reports that they have now resurfaced on a private campsite. Members talked to the local paper but asked that it not reveal their location.
Very big deal
In Santa Fe, folks with housing security tend to think that potholes and messy medians are our town's biggest problems. To be fair, there certainly are potholes, and KRQE reports this week that the medians also need some work. Mayor Alan Webber says that the medians have been largely abandoned, and that the city's 54 contracts in its Adopt-a-Median program haven't been as effective in the medians' upkeep as hoped. In addition to having unfortunate aesthetics, overgrown medians can be a traffic hazard.
Who guards the guardians?
Santa Fe-based nonprofit WildEarth Guardians has identified a problem with fraud. The environmental organization's former restoration director reportedly was in cahoots with a contractor in a scheme that charged government contracts for extra work in addition to legitimate restoration work along riverways. The plan was described as a "kickback scheme" in which a contractor did the work he was asked to, then made up more work (TNM $) and charged more, then he and the employee shared the "profit." Nonprofit director John Horning did not disclose how much the duo made away with. He's given the evidence to the US Attorney in Albuquerque.
A mask would have fixed it
The family of a young woman killed by hantavirus is suing the retreat center at which she contracted it. In 2016, Shawnee Romero reportedly cleaned rodent-infested cabins at Manzano Mountain Retreat and Apple Ranch in Torrance County (down near Mountainair and Estancia) without safety equipment, leading to contraction of the rodent droppings-transmitted virus that killed her.
Everything old is new again
The brewing equipment from now-defunct Duel Brewing, which closed with much controversy in Santa Fe, is getting new life in Las Vegas, New Mexico (Lil' Vegas to its friends). Restauranteurs Brian and Darcy McGill bought beer-making equipment at an auction held of Duel's property and plan to establish Wanted Brewing Company (TNM $) with it. They currently operate B3 BBQ Burgers & Beer on Bridge Street in Vegas.
Chama charges
A bus driver from Chama, accused this week of sexually assaulting a 7-year-old in his care, reportedly previously worked in Santa Fe. Stephen Meek, 66, has no previous charges. If he's found guilty, with any luck he'll receive a harsher sentence than the infamous case in which a New York bus driver will serve no time after admitting to assaulting a 14-year-old.
Do you even watch, bro?
That was some heavy news, wasn't it? We need something lighter right about now. Head over to SFR's website and check out Alex De Vore's Game of Thrones for Noobs series; yesterday we published its 32nd iteration. De Vore, who seems to know almost nothing about the popular HBO show, recaps each episode in a way that makes the Word (who has never actually watched GoT) cackle quite a bit, and reportedly infuriates actual fans. Warning: It's nothing but spoilers, but it's really funny. If you like it, you can read more here.
Burn warning
Española's fire department is floating the idea that residences and businesses should pay for false alarm calls. And we're not talking prank calls; examples given in that story from the Rio Grande Sun include a sensor in a McDonald's oven that caused 14 false fire alarms during the first quarter of 2019, or an apartment complex with faulty sensors. A fine may motivate business owners and landlords to fix broken equipment. Fire department records show 134 false alarm calls during the first quarter of 2019 (and only 30 of those were labeled "mischievous").
Thanks for reading! The Word doesn't have all the answers.