Last night I dreamt that I caught
, D-Catron, throwing up and picking his nose (both nostrils) on close up. He was very drunk. It was gross. I don't know why Morales, who isn't even in my district, is showing up in my dreams, but I hope he doesn't do it ever again.
Then I dreamt that a guy I knew from high school named from Levine needed my help pushing two of his scooters across town, so I volunteered. We had to walk them through a canal full of diesel fuel and then a weird forest of crystals straight out of JG Ballard's (
The Crystal World
. By the end of the dream, Levine turned into this Turkish kid I knew from elementary school. That, too, was weird.
Not that you care--but our blog readership drops off on Saturdays anyway. Anybody else have any bizarre dreams?