The feature documentary Culture of Resistance educated me about issues in countries ranging from the Congo and Brazil to Iraq and Iran.
Caipiriha Productions and director Lara Lee leads us on an intimate journey into the everyday struggles of people living in countries where natural resources have been exploited and where landscapes have been tarnished by war. The film highlights the work of musicians, artists, and dancers who are working for peace and justice, spreading information through artistic expression.
As an American, I found this film particularly difficult to watch. Attention to our over privileged and under-educated existence is impossible to ignore. Indeed my thoughts flew to Occupy Wall Street. Though I believe the movement to be important and valid, I wonder if before listing our grievances whether we should also be grateful for what we do have: clean drinking water, access to food, access to education as well as laws to protect our woman from rape, our lands from total exploitation and our boys from becoming child soldiers.
After seeing a film like this, our American plight does not seem too terrible.
The guilt is difficult to bear as it is oil for our cars, diamonds for our fingers, metals for our cell phones and televisions that fuel these wars and this destruction. Hope remains with education and the efforts of these independent film makers spreading truth.