A 2005 study conducted by motivational author Stephen Shapiro showed that only 45 percent of Americans make New Year’s resolutions and, of those, a full quarter never follow through. Only 8 percent achieve their resolutions every year. A more recent study conducted in Britain by the insurance company Sheilas’ Wheels found that six out of 10 resolution makers abandon their New Year’s pledges within six days.
This year, SFR pledges not to be discouraged by questionable surveys by motivational speakers and insurance companies. Instead, we toast these local figures who agreed to share their goals for 2009.
Luis Sánchez
co-founder, Santa Fe Scooter Club
“Well, my New Year’s resolution is, as a motorcycle and scooter enthusiast, I really wanna visit racetracks around the country. There’s a little racetrack in Albuquerque, but once you go around that thing six or seven times, it starts getting kinda old. You know, there’s a track in Pueblo, Colo.; there’s a track in Deming that’s really good. Who knows, maybe I’ll go to California and visit some of those world-class facilities. I might get crazy and take a road trip.”
Sarah Flori
owner, Aztec Café
“If I was going to have a New Year’s resolution, it would be that 2009 is way better than I could ever have expected.”
Later, via Facebook: “Can I change my resolution to something a little less dorky and something a little more attainable? I resolve to take my dog, Papette, for more walks in the forest…She is a Taos mutt…part coyote, part shepherd and chow, maybe? She is the best. She used to come to work with me every day when dogs were allowed places in Santa Fe.”
Brian Egolf
incoming state representative, D-Santa Fe
“I usually don’t do resolutions, honestly, but I think a good one is to make each day better than the last. [Regarding the Legislature] I would resolve to always mean what I say and say what I mean.”
John Grubesic
outgoing state senator, D-Santa Fe
Via e-mail: “I am going to try and forget the last four years.”
Chris Diestler
manager, True Believers Comics & Gallery
“I would say that if I was going to make a New Year’s resolution, it would probably be to actually get off my lazy ass and draw more comics. I’ve got a logjam of ideas just waiting to come out and all that’s holding me back is my own laziness.”
Jack Handey
Via e-mail: “To drink more, to start smoking again, and to get fatter.”
Kathy Holian
incoming Santa Fe county commissioner, District 4
Left on voice mail: “I’m not normally the type who makes New Year’s resolutions, but I asked my husband if he had any suggestions and his suggestion was to be nicer to him. So, I guess that’s what it’s going to be.”
Honey Harris
morning radio personality, 98.1 KBAC
Via Facebook: “Well, since I already quit smoking I suppose my resolutions for the New Year are:
1. Go to the gym more often
2. Become incredibly wealthy.”
Wenda Watch
drag queen
Via e-mail: “For 2009 I resolve to 1) do something about my weight as I am now officially fatter than the town sow 2) finally get the mobile home off cinder blocks and onto a proper foundation and to 3) continue to promote, fight for, party with and celebrate the GLBT community in New Mexico. MMMMM, BLT. Now I’m hungry! Welp, there goes that one!”
Diane Denish
lieutenant governor
Via press officer, before Gov. Bill Richardson withdrew as commerce secretary nominee: “I resolve to have a smooth and seamless transition [into the governor’s office].”
Via press officer, after Richardson’s withdrawal: “I resolve to work with the governor and the Legislature to craft a budget solution.”