SFR's been minding
awarded by the New Mexico Spaceport Authority for quite some time for evidence of pay-to-play. Obviously,
has been one of Gov. Bill Richardson's signature projects. So far, the contracts have seemed mostly clean, fairly free conflicts of interest. Until today.
The New Mexico Spaceport just issued a press release that is has awarded
the contract to build the airfield
. The contract is valued at $29 million.
However, donations made by the company to Richardson were available.
David Montoya, the construction firm's founder, donated $2,000 to Richardson's gubernatorial campaign in 2006 according to New Mexico Secretary of State records.
Pam Montoya, David's wife and one of principles of the firm, donated $1,500 to Richardson's presidential campaign, according to the Federal Elections Commission.*
The Spaceport's groundbreaking was held in mid-June.
* The Secretary of State's campaign finance web site's been glitchy for a week now, so more contributions may emerge as it gradually comes back online.