Failure to comply
A Rio Arriba County sheriff's deputy Tased an Española special education student on the chest, which the Taser company warns could lead to cardiac arrest, when the student wouldn't comply with a search. The Rio Grande Sun published a detailed description of what happened based on the deputy's lapel camera video, and it ain't pretty. Attorney General Hector Balderas says he is "aggressively investigating this disturbing incident." The student's family is reportedly preparing to sue the sheriff's office and the school district ($ TNM).
Facts, or lack thereof
Construction on the donation-funded $6 million section of border wall in Sunland Park is back in action. Leaders of the group We Build The Wall have promised to provide the city with necessary information for a construction permit (they had skipped that part of the legal process). The group's founder, Brian Koflage, said at a press conference, "This wall is not about stopping immigration. This wall is about legal immigration. We want people to use the front door, come to this country legally." But seeking asylum is not a crime, and must be done on US soil.
What happened with that?
In case you were curious about some stories the Word has brought you in the last week or so, here's a round-up of follow-ups: New Mexico State Police are pulling extra officers out of Albuquerque after its "surge" (though some debate the use of that word) in targeted neighborhoods; Santa Fe police are trying to get that dismissed evidence in the snowplow injury case re-admitted (TNM $); and electric scooters introduced to Albuquerque on Friday have already resulted in a DWI charge for a woman drinkin' and scootin'.
Positive stroke
The city recently lucked out a bit with regards to the Midtown Campus. A stroke of good fortune, for once, befell the situation, when Santa Fe refinanced its debt connected to the campus, and thanks to coincidentally low interest rates, the city will now pay "only" $1.7 million per year on it, as opposed to the $2.2 million it had been paying up until now.
The living’s easy
SFR didn't have a conventional cover story this weekend; instead, we stuck a beautiful, glossy little magazine inside the regular issue and invited readers to see what we have to say about summertime. Our 2019 Summer Guide includes features about movies, events, fishing locations, a guide to natural deodorants, where to grab a light bite and more.
Please shine down on me
The City of Albuquerque could be two-thirds powered by solar energy by 2021. The city has committed to buy 50% of the power generated by a solar field being constructed on the Jicarilla Apache Nation. The 400-acre field will replace 168 tons of coal burned every year, and Albuquerque will save between $800,000 and $5 million over five years. Mayor Tim Keller says he thinks the city can be powered entirely by renewable energy within five years.
Sittin’ on the banks
One of our town's most beloved family events rolls around again this weekend, the first one since 2016. The Kids Fishing Derby goes down at the Santa Fe River along Alameda tomorrow, and if you get there early enough, kids can even borrow a pole and get a T-shirt. The waters are only open to lines dropped by children until noon, and they'll be stocked with about 1,000 rainbow trout, so get hookin'.
Trust no one
One of the first things the Word was told upon moving to Santa Fe in 2003 was that you should never trust a weather report more than 12 hours out, and even then, be skeptical. It proved true this week, didn't it? It was supposed to warm up, but Clayton saw a record low yesterday morning, and folks at the media preview of Romeo & Juliet at the botanical garden last night froze their theater-loving butts off. Today, however, is projected to go up to 75 degrees, with a 0% chance of rain. The weekend should be more of the same, though perhaps with scattered thunderstorms.
Thanks for reading! The Word would like you remind you that you drink, you scoot, you lose.