Peaceful protest?
Democracy Now! reports that a Santa Fe activist has been arrested in Ireland. Ken Mayers, 82, is in custody in relation to "an alleged security breach" at an Irish airport on March 17, and authorities there say he's a flight risk, so they're holding on to him. Mayers, who is a member of the activist group Veterans for Peace, and another man were protesting US war planes refueling ($) en route to the Middle East via Shannon Airport. They entered the airfield carrying an anti-war banner, and could now be held for up to two years before their trial. Their fellow vets for peace are urging the public to take action (that last link has both a news story with details and ways to get involved, if you're so inclined).
Dragging away the wild horses
Wild horses are one of the most iconic images of the American West, and the small bands of them that roam around Placitas have become synonymous with the landscape there. But they're also a huge nuisance to some people in the small town near Albuquerque. SFR's Leah Cantor takes a look at the situation there, where residents hope to re-home a number of captive horses, and where other horses could be moved to a different tract of land.
The great NHCC flood
Two men have been charged in setting that National Hispanic Cultural Center fire we told you about on Friday. Apparently, on March 10 the men set a small fire in the building, but fiddled with the sprinkler system so that it would not notify authorities. The sprinklers quickly put out the fire, but then continued to run for four hours, flooding the building. If they're found guilty, it's gonna be real guilty.
We’re number one! And seven!
SFR learned yesterday that the National Endowment of the Arts says New Mexico ranks number seven in terms of states with the fastest-growing arts sector, so that's pretty cool. We can thank film and sound recording for that. Meanwhile, though, apparently we also receive the highest number of government grants, and the second-highest number of grants in relation to amount of federal taxes paid. That's not terribly shocking, given the number of expensive federal operations we host (see: labs). Number two, as ever, is Mississippi; if they're not first on these dubious lists, we are, and vice versa.
There’s lots of there there
Novelist Tommy Orange, both an alum of the Institute of American Indian Arts and a mentor in that school's low-residency MFA program for fiction, has racked up award after award for his first novel There, There. (The Word loved it and reviewed it in our books issue last September; my only complaint is that I could have read its modest length four times over.) Orange's newest recognition is the PEN/Hemingway Award for a debut novel, a highly coveted recognition that comes with a cash award and a residency. The novel follows 14 Native characters in and around Oakland, California, and employs fiction, history, essay and magical realism to fantastic effect. Collected Works has stacks of the book, so pick it up when they re-open after renovations next week.
Even more chances to shred the gnar, brah
Ski Santa Fe is staying open an extra week due to 80 inches of snow that fell in the first couple weeks of March. The hill has received more than 250 inches of snow this season. You can now get your turns in until April 14.
State of the schools
We mentioned yesterday the Yazzie-Martinez lawsuit, which last year established that New Mexico is unconstitutionally providing subpar education to its children. We also caught up with Victora Tafoya to talk about it. The representative from Transform Education NM told us whether or not this legislative session will help New Mexico catch up, schools-wise. (Spoiler alert: It's going to be better, but not great.)
Water is the essence of wetness
Spring has sprung, but it's not gonna feel too sunshiney yet. After that weird sloppy rain-snow yesterday (what even was that?), we can expect more wintry feelings ($) today. Rain and snow may last through Friday.
Thanks for reading! The Word wonders if the city would let us keep a horse in our front garden plot. Maybe if it promises to be really quiet.