Santa Fean dies in Moscow
A 22-year-old Santa Fe man was killed in the fiery plane crash in Moscow yesterday. Jeremy Brooks was a fly fisherman traveling the world for his craft. He had just landed a job as a fisherman in Russia and was on his way there when the fire broke out on his plane shortly after an emergency landing. Of 78 people on the plane, 41 were killed. Brooks was a graduate of Santa Fe Prep and had recently graduated from Colorado College; The New Mexican published a remembrance ($) today.
We were once again awakened by an Amber Alert on our cell phones in the middle of the night. We were told to keep an eye out for Roswell teen Magdalena Morales, but the alert was canceled this morning when she was found safe.
Kids need better care
New Mexico Political Report has the story of a pediatrician who reports lapses in medical care for migrants at clinics in New Jersey, likely indicative of care elsewhere. Dr. Elana Levites-Agababa said of the nonprofit Center for Family Services, "They feel no obligation to provide appropriate care to the kids or follow any recommendations by a medical provider." Tangentially related, the New York Times recently published a profile of gang members ($) in Honduras fighting for their shrinking turf; the embedded reporters' descriptions of violence and fear illustrate why walking a few thousand miles would be preferable to staying at home.
Gone rogue
Now that the weather is mostly beautiful and the sun is mostly shining, outdoorsy types may get a false sense of security when it comes to safety. But just because there's no snow to freeze you doesn't mean your sense of adventure won't get you incredibly lost, or a stream won't swoosh you away. Santa Fe Search & Rescue saw back-to-back missions this weekend ($). A tip: Bring your cell phone with you. It can be a helpful locator tool if you go missing.
NMID too!
We told you yesterday about SFR getting some awards from the Society of Professional Journalists, but we were remiss not to mention those garnered by our partner publication, New Mexico In Depth. SFR contributing editor Jeff Proctor and writer Justin Horwath took home honors for investigative reporting about a DWI charge for Ryan Flynn, written in partnership with SFR. Sylvia Ulloa also got recognized for education reporting, Elizabeth Miller for environmental reporting, and Marjorie Childress for political reporting.
Get your kicks
The Santa Fe Bandstand has released its 2019 lineup. Who are you going to go see? The downtown and Southside stages will play host to plenty of beloved locals we see often, like Bill Hearne and Alex Maryol; some locals we don't see as often, like Robert Mirabal; and national acts like Eliza Gilkyson and Jim Lauderdale.
Denver is looking to decriminalize shrooms. Seriously. If voters pass the ordinance, it means cops who catch people with small amounts of the hallucinogenic drug psilocybin would make no arrest and likely only fine the person. A conservative think-tanker said that Denver is becoming "the illicit drug capitol of the world;" but microdosing psychedelic mushrooms is going more mainstream, and is even being studied as a treatment for depression.
Auntie Em
Most of the National Weather Service's attention has been focused on the east side of the state, with severe storms forecast for Clovis and lightning and maybe even tornadoes for the eastern edge too. All this focus elsewhere leads us to believe that no news is good news, and we will continue to have gorgeous days.
Thanks for reading! The Word got this little goat-shaped solar light, and it's so great. It's perhaps the Greatest Of All Time. It's the GOAT.