From: Andy Dudzik
Date: February 13, 2009 06:47:01 AM MST
To: SFR staff-all
Subject: Revenue Opportunities
Good morning everyone:
I trust you've all seen this morning's Journal and New Mexican. If you haven't, here:
A newspaper vendor, selling
? Right there, on the street, in plain view! In our little city!
It's shocking, I know. And I'm sure your questions were the same as mine: How could this happen?
Why didn't we think of this first?
We are the "alt" paper, after all. We are supposed to be on the "cutting edge." Our readers are stoned most of the time. The synergy is obvious, and I'm not BS-ing with you all when I say: Sorry. I should've thought of that.
But you know what? It's never too late. So today I'd like to announce the appointment of our new Assistant "Distribution" Manager, T. That's "T" like "Mr. T," but I'm telling you now, for your own sake, don't call him that. Ever.
T comes to us from, most recently, a cooperative agriculture "freedom zone" in unincorporated Santa Fe County. Prior to that, he was in jail. T brings to us a depth of experience in distribution and trafficking, and I've asked him to conceive and manage our new "party in the box" campaign, at selected SFR boxes around the city. I'm expecting 110 percent support from all of you on this. If T asks you to carry a package for him, or call for pizza, drop whatever you're doing and do it.
Finally: This afternoon, a crew will be carting sun lamps and other nursery equipment into the basement. This should only take a couple of hours. Please keep the hallways clear. In the future, employees will no longer be allowed into the basement.
Thank you all again.
Play it cool,
Begin forwarded message:
From: Andy Dudzik
Date: February 13, 2009 06:15:33 AM MST
To: Julia Goldberg
Subject: Re: did u c this?
WTF!!! That should be OUR turf!
On Feb 13, 2009, at 5:11 AM, Julia Goldberg wrote:
Vendor Facing Heroin Charges
By Raam Wong
Journal Staff Writer
It may not have been just news junkies who were getting their fix from a street-corner newspaper vendor.
Felo Stan Villegas, 44, was arrested this week for allegedly dealing heroin at Cerrillos Road and St. Michaels Drive while selling copies of the Santa Fe New Mexican.
Undercover agents with the Region III Narcotics Task Force began making buys from Villegas last summer after authorities received several complaints, according to New Mexico State Police spokesman Peter Olson. ...
Julia Goldberg
Santa Fe Reporter
132 E. Marcy Street
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Andy Dudzik
Santa Fe Reporter
132 E. Marcy Street
Santa Fe, NM 87501