Fortress SFPS
Santa Fe Public Schools is one of many districts around the state trying to make schools hospitable, but safe. The district has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on new security measures, including digital sign-in stations that run ID's against sex offender databases, and gun-resistant door barricades that secure classrooms. Meanwhile, the school system is still finalizing job descriptions for social workers who will specialize in work with mentally distressed students.
Javi’s new gig
Former Santa Fe Mayor Javier Gonzales is peddling the wares of Santa Fe startup Descartes Labs ($). The tech company received a $100,000 economic development grant from the city before Gonzales left office. It was unanimously approved by the city council. Gonzales was absent for the vote. General consensus seems to be that the job brushes up against city ethics regulations, but doesn't violate them, though there hasn't been a formal request for an opinion.
House salad
Northern New Mexico has three races that could shift the makeup of the state House of Representatives, whether that means the party balance or intra-party dynamics. SFR explores the unique scenarios in each one and the money candidates are bringing in to help them.
Regulatory red tape
Earlier this month, Gov. Susana Martinez touted sweeping changes to the state's licensing requirements, including a provision that would let people practice many non-medical trades without a license—as long as they let the consumer know. As it so happens, state law prevents many of the changes without legislative approval.
Getting wasted
The federal government and the company that runs the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant near Carlsbad want to redefine how the facility measures the volume of nuclear waste stored there. The change would measure the volume according to the innermost container, not outer packing. It would mean WIPP isn't half full but one-third full. Skeptics say the requested changes are too broad.
Science bill
New science standards in the state's schools need new funding, three experts testified before a legislative committee ($) yesterday. The Next Gen science benchmarks rely not just on new ways to teach, but new materials to do it
Think you're not funny? Well, you're not, but you could be, thanks to improv-improvement classes happening tonight and tomorrow at the aptly named Santa Fe Improv. These are post-work gatherings tonight and tomorrow that start at 6 pm and will cost you $25. But word is, they're fun. If you just like laughing, you can show up to the old Warehouse 21 space on Friday at 7 pm to see the show.
Sunny side
Rain is likely to continue today, but temperatures will warm into tomorrow and the rest of the week.Expect fog later tonight and tomorrow morning. It should be a beautiful weekend with clear skies and Santa Fe warming to the mid-60s and temperatures hovering near 70 in Albuquerque.
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