If the prospect of hunting for a downtown parking spot in order to shop like a maniac on Black Friday leaves you cold (or, in my case, existentially nauseated), never fear. The city's Buy Into It campaign (of which SFR is an advertising sponsor, along with a slew of other media partners) is offering free and/or reduced parking for two main city lots starting
Friday, Nov. 27 through Jan.3, 2010
. Of course, if you shop not downtown, it's easy to find parking because all the non-local big box-enormous-parking-lot-monstrosities are on the south side. Just saying.
Here's the lowdown on the city parking. Again, Nov. 27-Jan. 3
Santa Fe Community Convention Center Parking Garage
Monday thru Friday - First two hours free, normal rate (.90 per ½ hour) will apply beginning the third hour or any part thereof
Saturday and Sunday - Free all day
Railyard Garage
Monday thru Friday - First two hours free, normal rate will apply beginning the third hour or any part thereof
Saturday and Sunday - Free all day