but given the economic catastrophe we're living in, who can pass up an awesome cheap book sale?
The Southside Library Bookstore (6599 Jaguar Drive) will host a “Bag Day” sale on all fiction from 10 am to 4 pm, Saturday, Jan. 31, during which, one can "fill up a bag of fiction books" for only $3, according to a city press release. This sale is sponsored by the Friends of the Santa Fe Public Library. (I'm pretty sure the press release, quoted above, meant to say fill up a bag "with" fiction books). No word on how big the bag can be. Or why it's just fiction. Or why it's just Saturday. Maybe I should make a phone call. At any rate, sounds like a good deal to me. And since I'm blogging on a library event, might as well put in a plug for the
, which is always a good read.