The news that Santa Fe's Center for Contemporary Art will be permanently closing its doors as a special New Year's gift really pisses me off.
I guess I could be sad--like, that sucks--but I feel genuinely betrayed. First, I have a dog in the hunt, having served as executive director to the organization in the 1990s. Second, CCA has been radio silent as far as I'm concerned in terms of real community voice in the last couple of years.
Didn't we just rally as a community and save KSFR's ass? I realize it would be tiresome in the extreme to bail out CCA (again), but shouldn't we have had the option?
I'm sure some at CCA believe the organization is having an honorable, profound and somewhat inevitable death, but it's all bullshit to me.
At the end of the day, if CCA hadn't decided to alienate itself from the community, ie, its roots, the community wouldn't have allowed it to die.