Recently, I hooked editor Julia Goldberg--a connoisseur of B-class sci-fi--on the British miniseries
. The five-night special serves as the third and presumably final season of the Doctor Who spin-off (best described as an oversexed and homoerotic X-Files set in Wales).
In essence, it revolves around the British response to mysterious, all-powerful junky aliens who want to get high off sucking the life force from the planet's children. Peter Capabaldi, who earned my eternal admiration as the Prime Minister's foul-mouthed communications director in
, again plays a 10 Downing Street denizen, but this time he's the trembling-lipped civil servant charged with managing first contact with the ETs in their gas-filled containment box.
All that, combined with
on the Angel Fire Paranormal Symposium, got me thinking: With one of the only functional spaceport plans in progress, New Mexico Spaceport Authority surely must have crafted a first-contact plan. So, I asked, what's the protocol?
Here's spokesman Robert Sharp's emailed response:
Hmmm, what happened to emergency preparedness? Well, I guess all we can do is have faith in Gov Bill Richardson's universally recognized diplomatic skills.