How to Do a Little Spring Manscaping
After a winter indoors, kicking back on the La-Z-Boy, eating nachos, gulping barley soda, watching the latest brawl on the field or in the stands, even a real guy's guy could use some manscaping. Before you push away your inner metrosexual, take a look in the mirror. The
full length one. Your face may appear to have been stored in a tank full of
gravel and caustic fluids left over from Los Alamos' glory days. Your body may host that dry, scabby crust that should be surrounding aged beef from Peter Luger's steak house, not the skin that your wife or loved one stroked last summer. Don't despair or manguish, oh Encino Man. End your hibernation and take that drive on Hyde Park Road to cowboy up for a men's facial and salt glow combo. The first is "designed to treat men's unique skin conditions. The Waves Eye for Every Guy." The second will exfoliate all that dead skin to reveal that fine fellow we all used to know and love.
Do it yourself:
Contact Ten Thousand Waves Japanese Health Spa to have your ballsy butterfly extracted from your chivalrous cocoon: 505-982-9304,