How to Be a Superhero
There are easier ways than sewing yourself a skin-tight suit and prowling the streets for villains every night. You don't even have to swing from the rooftops or leap tall buildings in a single
bound. In fact superherodom is simply a phone call away. Rather than mail-ordering x-ray glasses, look into Big Brothers and Sisters of Northern New Mexico. You may not get your own comic book, but seen through the eyes of one worthy young soul the rewards may seem much greater. After a short screening process (less than a month) you may find yourself teamed-up with a youngster to play Robin to your Batman. Talk, walk or watch movies for a few hours, two or three times a month and over the nine-month period create your own version of the Dynamic Duo.
Do it yourself:
Contact Big Brothers and Sisters of Northern New Mexico (983-8360 or toll-free, 866-636-8670,
). Donations of both money and materials are always welcome.