For SFR's Best of Santa Fe competition in 2009, readers voted Stephanie Hatfield & Hot Mess Santa Fe's "Best New Band." It was fitting, then, that the band's party for the release of its self-titled debut album was packed, and everyone was pretty much rocking out.
Now, don't get me wrong. I try really hard to hate what everyone else loves. I mean, get this: I'm from New Jersey and I DON'T like Bruce Springsteen. Case in point. So when Hatfield came on the scene, I did my best not to let the music seep into my skin. I failed. I can't deny it - this band is damn good, and the album is awesome.
After the jump is a series of video highlights and Alex De Vore's first-ever video blog... You have to see it (or not see it, as the case may be) to believe it.
My only regret from the evening was that I didn't get a single second of video from Hot Mess' cover of "Feel Like Making Love" by Bad Company. Like... oh my god. It made me mumble incoherent monosyllabic non-words for about 15 minutes. I was far too caught up in my intense girl-crush on Hatfield to pay any attention whatsoever to the fact that I had a video camera with me. It was just that good. If anyone reading this has not yet seen this band, check them out where you can, and scream a request for "Feel Like Making Love." You won't regret it.
The show was high-energy, and the audience down on the floor couldn't stop dancing. (Like, really, couldn't stop - I think it was a medical thing.) Below check out my sweet slide show of stills, and below the jump are some videos, including the band's truly rock 'n' roll cover of Janis Joplin's "Piece of My Heart." I'm pretty skeptical when it comes to women in the 21st century trying to emulate Janis, but Hatfield pulls it off with flying colors.
"Let You In"
"Piece of My Heart"
Alex De Vore gives his two cents about the show. Yes, we were standing on the fire escape of the Pub & Grill, so yes, it's so dark all you can see is the occasional cherry of a cigarette, but that's the beauty of impromptu video blogging. This is a concept we here at SFR have been talking about for a few months now so hopefully it will become a regular feature. Alex De Vore is a damn funny dude, so even if you don't like his writing, chances are you will freakin' love his impressions of local musicians. They're uncanny.