At about 8am Sunday morning, I witnessed a subura-ish car clip a man in a motorized wheelchair at Cerrillos and Early. If you get the 911 tape, it'll be my voice on the line. The guy was lying in a pool of Pepsi; for some reason he was carrying a case. Blood bubbled from his nose and trickled into his beard from a large wound on his right cheek. I told the operator he was in his late 40s early 50s. Other people stopped and helped him back into his wheelchair. He insisted. He rolled around for a moment with a broken rear wheel.
My phone was bleeping it was dying, but the operator wouldn't let me off the line to switch to another bystander's phone. Two patrol cars arrived and took over the situation. They sent me on on my way. I didn't have a camera with me
On March 3, Corey Pein reported this in SFR's print edition
In light of this experience, I think I'm justified in taking a personal editorial position on the issue: Santa Fe City Council needs to get on this. It's too bad that it's too late for the legislature to introduce new bills.