Over the last few weeks, if you drove a gas guzzler and you wanted a slightly less-guzzly car, the federal government hooked you up with $4,500 in credit. The New Mex's
reported yesterday that, in total, the Cash for Clunkers program inspired 350 new car sales in Santa Fe, the equivalent of as much as $1.57 million in federal stimulus.
Meanwhile, SFR received this press release from the City of Santa Fe regarding public transportation:
Right. So, 350 drivers in Santa Fe were rewarded for driving fuel-inefficient vehicles with gigantic credits on brand new (arguably still fuel inefficient) cars, while Santa Fe's car-less and environmentally friendly public-transportation consumers get the shaft. That's not to mention club-goers who were taking that 11pm bus home instead of getting behind the wheel. Perhaps the worst bit is that the council has basically decided to house-bound disabled Santa Feans on Saturday and Sunday nights and national holidays to close the budget deficit. Currently Santa Fe Ride runs 24-7, every day of the year.
Enraged? There's a public meeting with the city's Transit Advisory Board on the issue tonight: 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. at the Santa Fe Community Convention Center, 201 W. Marcy, Coronado/DeVargas room.