Sitting in the serene courtyard with your feet propped up on a concrete sculpture/ottoman and waiting for a cup of Lapsang Souchong to arrive, one finds that The Teahouse takes on the relaxed, vaguely anticipatory atmosphere of a massage clinic waiting room. (In fact, pretty much all of the servers look like they could be licensed massage therapists.) Don't take that the wrong way; the chilled-out vibe here is its greatest selling point. Inside a converted house on Canyon Road, comfy cushions are pulled up to low tables, a long banco provides seating for intimate groups and a cozy nook allows those straight from yoga class to unfurl with a cup of lychee jasmine tea. Although the patio
is perfect in its quiet serenity, sitting inside has the added advantage of being close to the kitchen. When they pull a fresh batch of cranberry almond scones from the oven, the aroma wafts through the rooms and forces you to order one. The scones are huge with a crumbly exterior protecting a soft, steaming interior. They are scrumptious, especially served with a side of thick cream. The Teahouse is the perfect place to relax in the middle of the afternoon, with a list of teas so long it makes you suddenly realize your knowledge of tea is woefully inadequate. Macha, gunpowder, rooibos…what is this stuff? The knowledgeable staff will guide you, and they're happy to bring you a glass infuser of another blend if you don't like the first. Try hitting this place for lunch. The sandwiches will give you a reason to linger for another cup of genmaicha.
821 Canyon Road, 992-0972.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. $