I was just going through some of the footage I shot at Lt. Gov. Diane Denish's inauguration watch party, some of which were a bit emotional or saccharine and I'm a bit hesitant to upload them because maybe the moment has passed.
But these two I thought were were still worth tossing up.
Under an Obama administration, it seems that our politicians will actually do what we tell them to. This was best exemplified by freshman Representative Brian Egolf Jr., a Democrat representing Santa Fe. He is shown here bending over backwards to satisfy the request of constituent. (I didn't vote against him, after all. So what if he ran unopposed?).
And this one's for the gays. Yesterday I posted
with County Commissioner Liz Stefanics, an openly gay elected official in Santa Fe, where we talked about the tiny bit of hissing during Pastor Rick Warrens invocation. Here's a short clip of how quiet (and respectful) it was there.
Props to the earplugging ladies at the beginning of the video.