New Post:
Immortal Technique played last night and the turnout was comparable (when scale is considered) to the Method Man and Redman show at the Albuquerque Convention Center last fall. The energy of the acts and the crowd were comparable, too. Did I mention the show was at the OhKay Casino in Española? Did I mention the crowd was so young I felt like an out-of-touch geezer? Yup, on both accounts, and it was great. Organized by the student senate at Northern New Mexico College, the event rivaled those in more revered cities at more expected venues, and despite feeling like an old man in a walker, I had a great time.
CF, Black Pegasus, Liquid Assassins and Red Cloud opened up the show and were sure to put a New Mexico spin on everything. All the acts were versed on the area and more so than just the nominal "Hello New Mexico." They talked chiles , demographics and even Riverside Drive. The young crowd (Santa Fe must have really taken its toll on me—I don't remember the last time I saw that many people under 25 swarming about, and quite frankly I didn't know what to do with them or how to act) ate the familiarity up.
Fortunately for me, I sure love gimmicks, and Liquid Assassins and Red Cloud were happy to dole them out. Liquid Assassins asked the crowd for four words from which to form a freestyle. The young crowd offered up "graffiti," "lowriders," "blood" and "weed" (no kidding, but did I mention they were young?). Red Cloud did pretty much the same thing later in the evening when he'd freestyle using words written earlier by the crowd on sheets of paper. He also memorized the names of everyone in the front row for a freestyle. Who names their kid "Cash Flow?"
But enough about freestyle. Immortal's sermon-esque parables were as inspiring as ever. They almost made me wish I'd started a revolution instead of headed to Sonic after the show. There is time. Recently returned from Afghanistan, he was also not too big for his britches. He was prominent and active at the merch table after the show, ready to give all his young fans autographs and to give me just the distraction I needed to exit the youth populace, walker intact.
Previous post:
The more I pay attention, the more I realize how much is actually going on in our little spot on the northern New Mexico map. See tonight, for instance. The industrious
student senate over at Northern New Mexico College
has managed to secure Immortal Technique on the bill at
in Española (doors open at 6 pm). This doesn't happen everyday, not anywhere.
This is probably the last show for the semester, according to student senator Jaymee Bird who arranged the event, and it was three months in the making according to Jerome Williams, vice president of the student council, so don't miss it. Immortal will be at the
at 4 pm today if you want to pregame the show. Be sure to check the college's summer schedule for more events.
Tickets available at
NNMC Bookstore, Continuing Education, &
Purchasing/Receiving Department
$10 advance purchase
$15 at the door
Look here for a review of the show tomorrow.