Practical spirituality in a complicated world.
Dear Robert,
I would enjoy reading what your ideas are about what is called the power of positive thinking. Do you believe in it? When I was younger, I used to go with my Dad to functions at the Optimist Club. They were big proponents of positive thinking, but you don't hear too much about it these days. Thank you for writing an informative column on a regular basis.
TD, Santa Fe
Dear TD,
***image1***Thanks for your letter. It is nice hearing from you. This is really a great topic for a column. In the 1940s, '50s and '60s, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale was famous for his teaching about the power of positive thinking. He influenced several generations of alternative spiritual seekers, without ever using the term of alternative spirituality.
Nowadays, we usually speak of affirmations and visualizations, instead of talking about the power of positive thinking. Basically, the terms are interchangeable. The main reason we need to discuss this topic from a spiritual standpoint is that our thoughts and words are very powerful. Keep in mind that we are, first and foremost, spiritual beings. We are experiencing life as human beings on this planet, however, our primary, eternal identity is that of a soul. We are, all of us, eternal, divine sparks of the Creative Energy which brought this multi-dimensional universe into being. We are not like bits of flotsam, adrift, at the mercy of wind and tide. We are, rather, navigators at the helm, with much control over the speed and direction of the vessel.
While our thoughts and words are powerful, indeed, we must remember that without action on our parts, positive thinking, affirmations and visualizations are incomplete. In addition to being aware of the intense spiritual power of our words, we must take appropriate action in our outer awareness. I enjoy reminding myself, as well as reminding others, that we are co-creators of our individual realities, and also co-creators of our local and global realities. Whatever we consistently apply our attention and intention to, is what we generally tend to see manifesting around us. Since we are such powerful spiritual beings incarnated in physical bodies, it is crucial that we combine our spiritual and physical energies. Here in this material world, one without the other can never manifest its potential. It is not enough to think positive thoughts or say affirmations. We must also combine appropriate action with our affirmations and thoughts.
I should also mention that if we acknowledge the power of positive thinking, we must, as well, be aware of the power of negative thinking. The power does not lie in positive or negative thinking per se, but rather in us, as spiritual beings. It is that to which we apply our attention and intention that is imbued with our spiritual power. Negative affirmations are also very powerful. Many people unknowingly continue suffering because they are unaware of the power within themselves. They don't realize what a big part they are responsible for, in their own drama. As people begin to awaken to their own inner knowing and become more and more aware of the spiritual power they possess, as their own natural birthright, then they also begin to take greater responsibility for co-creating their lives. When it slowly begins to dawn on us how powerful our spiritual intention is, we generally tend to become interested in using that energy for healing, both physical and spiritual. This spiritual power is meant to manifest your highest good and greatest joy, yet many beginners use the power of their positive thinking and affirmations in order to get more material possessions. It is gradually beginning to dawn on people that the more possessions they accumulate, the less they appreciate what they have, the more selfish they become, and the less they pay attention to the spiritual values of love, compassion, and the dignity of living in one's own truth and power. Possessions in the material world cannot bring happiness. Another person cannot 'make' you happy. Joy can flow only from your own heart, when you are living in the honesty and integrity of your own truth. This knowing is not for sale. It is freely available for all who wish to access it.
Likewise, when a person engages in thinking negative thoughts and using negative vocabulary, the power of that negativity is enhanced with every thought and word. There is a trap they often fall into, and that trap is the belief that they are victims. They blame others for their unpleasant circumstances, unaware that they are co-authors of their own confusion. This is not brought up to blame them, but as a way of pointing out that they, themselves, hold the key to their own prison cells.
I can report in today's column that as far as affirmations, visualizations, positive thinking and appropriate action go, I do practice what I preach. I realize that while there is tremendous personal power in positive thinking, in order to manifest my highest good and greatest joy, I must take appropriate action in my outer awareness. Every single day, without fail, no exceptions, I say my affirmations out loud. Actually, James and I do our affirmations together, everyday. Neither of us would dream of beginning our day without having done our affirmational work. One might say that this is, indeed, positive thinking on our part. But, that's not enough. We also take appropriate action. You might ask what makes an action appropriate. My answer would be that it depends upon what one is affirming. For example, if I wanted to star in a Broadway play, appropriate action might be taking acting and singing lessons. An even more appropriate action might be moving to New York. I would have a much greater chance of auditioning for a Broadway play in Manhattan than I would in Northern New Mexico. My affirmational work or positive thinking would be something like, "I am now the star of a Broadway play." Appropriate action in my outer awareness would be placing myself in the geographical location most likely to support that affirmation.
Another point to make is that we sometimes think positive thoughts, speak supportive affirmations, and take actions to support those thoughts and affirmations, without being aware that if we were to manifest that reality, it would actually be detrimental to our spiritual paths. Sometimes we need to be more open ended, affirming that in any case, the Universe co-creates that reality only if it is for our highest spiritual good and greatest spiritual joy. I always remind the Universe that my desire is for what I most need for my spiritual growth, not what I might want that would be in conflict with that spiritual need.
Again, TD, thanks very much for your question and for your support of my column. God bless you on your spiritual path.
To ask Robert a question, visit his Web site at, email or send mail to PO Box 33, Santa Fe, NM 87504.