Practical spirituality for a complicated world.
***image1***Several weeks ago, I got an e-mail from someone who complimented me on a particular column, even though she admitted she usually only scanned my column. She explained that she wasn't into the whole Santa Fe "woo-woo" metaphysical community. She wasn't trying to be mean or dismissive, and I accepted her comments in the vein I think they were intended. However, there is one correction I must make. We don't like the term "woo-woo." We prefer to be called Wacko-Americans.
Now that we've got that out of the way, let's move on. Many people have written to me asking what they can do to help those affected by the recent hurricane. The one thing that most of us involved in spiritual pursuits have, is that when we see suffering, we want to help relieve it. At the very least, we want to avoid adding to the pain and misery already present. There are immediate needs that must be addressed, namely food, clothing and shelter for those who've lost those things. When that has been taken care of, then we can delve into issues touching on politics, religion or philosophy. We can do a bit of that now, for it seems as if people's survival needs are being met.
How can we, as individuals, make a difference in the world? One of the main things we can do is to pay attention. I am amazed at how so many people push and shove their way through life, seemingly oblivious to anyone or anything around them. You can see this in big ways and small ways. If a person pays attention to the small things in life, then chances are they'll be aware of larger, more important issues. I wrote once of being run off Siler Road in an instance of road rage. The aggressive vehicle had several bumper stickers, two of which were the green ones proclaiming, "No War" and the obligatory "Free Tibet." If this person cannot manifest peace whilst driving their oversize SUV down Siler Road, how can they know of peace anyplace else? If they cannot free themselves of their anger and resentment, whilst driving about in air conditioned comfort, then how can they hope to assist in the freedom of Tibet? I really don't think that aggressive driver was a bad person. On some level, they were aware that the spiritual values of freedom and peace are worthy goals. Their challenge seemed to be manifesting their concern locally. In some ways, it's easier to focus on the war in Iraq, and the struggle for freedom in Tibet, than it is to look around and see the thousands of wars on our own community. All around us, there are multiple assaults on our spirits. If we were truly free, if we really valued peace, then our local community would be freer and more peaceful. Instead, we find ourselves in a strange situation. If you get really still and quiet, if you look around dispassionately, you'll notice that even some of the most concerned among us are still trying to control and manipulate us. Even those who are most compassionate are still very often concerned with converting us. It is important to them that we all employ their approved vocabulary, and express our concerns in ways they establish for us. If you pay attention, you'll begin noticing this.
If you become sensitive to energies, you'll begin to become more aware of how darkly swirling energies are affecting people. There are times when the energies are so convoluted, that I cannot bear going where there are numbers of people. Recently, I had no choice but to be downtown when there were extremely chaotic, volatile energies buffeting everyone. I was with James, and told him we needed to finish our business and get back home as soon as possible. He asked me what was going on. I told him about the oppressive energies I was sensing and observing, and I challenged him to find one single person who was smiling or appeared to be happy. We both stopped and moved somewhat to the side, simply observing the activity around us. People were hurrying along, mostly looking downward, with frowns on their faces, unconscious of the fact that they were being greatly affected by dark energies. On the occasions that they did look up, there were often scowls on their faces. They appeared to be angry, unhappy and looking for a fight. It is a miracle that there was no overt violence. Perhaps it is a testament to those who consciously hold and anchor the Light in our community. I also noticed that even though there were people everywhere, things were eerily silent. I felt as if I were watching a scene in a movie. There was that much of a feeling of unreality about it. I suppose I might even describe it as robotic. Frankly, I was a bit spooked by it, and my intuitive knowing told me to get away. I don't really like writing about this, for many people won't understand it on an energetic level, and will think I'm being judgmental. I'm not. All I'm trying to do is ask people to pay attention, to look beneath the surface of appearances. Things aren't always what they seem.
All of us need to be more aware of the energies around us. Spiritual masters have been advising us to look behind the scenes for a long, long time. It is recorded in the Christian scriptures, that Jesus was accosted several times by dark energies. The Christian writings refer to this as "temptation," but they weren't really temptations in the sense that we are tempted by chocolate fudge cake. During these events, the enemy was trying to convince Jesus to take a different path, to veer away from the peaceful non-violence to which he was committed. In each of these instances, the enemy quoted sacred scripture to Jesus. Why am I bringing this up in today's column? I want to remind us all that dark, dark energies use the robes and language of religion to cover their evil agendas. I also want to remind us all that these dark energies also present themselves as political activists in our community, using beautiful, compassionate language. In both instances, they sow seeds of division, creating hatred and resentment everywhere they go. I urge you to pay attention to what they actually do, and disregard what they say. An apple tree does not bear oranges.
The seduction of the material world is great, indeed. The enemy of Spirit rarely presents himself for the evil he actually is. This is why we must pay attention. We must focus more on what people do, and be less concerned with what they say. Use this spiritual yardstick when you're wondering whether you need to be involved with someone or some organization. Groups of all kinds seem to be magnets for dark energies. Above all, develop your inner knowing and trust what your own guidance tells you.
We establish our relationships with the Creator through our hearts. We all come into this life fully equipped to live balanced, harmonious lives. It's all inside you already. You don't need scriptures, or sacrifices, or temples, or churches, or synagogues, or political parties, or nations, or any of the things designed to separate us, to cause us to have conflict with each other. You need only listen to your heart. Of course, I might well be wrong about all this. So, pay attention and think for yourself.
To ask Robert a question, visit his Web site at, email or send mail to PO Box 33, Santa Fe, NM 87504.