Practical spirituality for a complicated world.
***image1***I taught a class this past Saturday, and I must tell you that it was one of the most impressive groups of people I've ever worked with. It was an honor to be with them. One of the topics we discussed was affirmations, and I reminded them that years ago, due to my insistence on the importance of affirmational work, a disgruntled client termed me an "affirmation terrorist." We talked about how powerful our words are, and how crucial it is that we take control of our words. It is good to remember that we have the option to fundamentally direct our attention onto the intention we choose, as opposed to the agendas imposed upon us by those who might not wish us well.
Today's column is about the conscious use of the power of our words. I've written about this before, however it is such an important, fundamental truth, that it bears repeating. I'll try to freshen it up a bit, and not bore you. Remember, an affirmation is anything you think, or say or do. There can never be a question as to whether affirmations work, or not. The only question is, "What shall you affirm?" Read these last three sentences several times, and imprint them into your consciousness. This understanding is truly fundamental to the independence of men and women of Power and servants of the Light.
In view of today's discussion of affirmations, I'll repeat another important caveat. Be vigilant about those to whom you link yourself through your words. Be cautious, as well, about the ideas, movements, and organizations to which you ally yourself. For example, I often hear people say things like, "We bombed Iraq," or "We had slaves," or "We murdered the Indians and stole their land." Most, if not all, of the folks who say such things have never bombed anyone, or had slaves, or murdered people, stealing their land in the process. Yes, historically, those things have happened, but are those the actions with which you wish to identify yourself? Your words are powerful. Your self-definitions are crucial to your spiritual path! Be careful of when you say "we" for when you use the pronoun "we" you are including yourself, for better or for worse, in the karmic evolution of those others to whom you ally yourself through your words.
What could we say, instead? We can tell the truth. Perhaps you have allied yourself with those who have bombed and invaded Iraq. Perhaps you support those who have declared war on the world, in the process defining themselves as "Leaders of the World." If so, if you support them and their troops of conquest, then by all means say, "We bombed Iraq." If so, you will then share in the karmic consequences of your alliance. As you might have already suspected, I don't say "we" when discussing the illegal invasions and thievery of the present or the past. I have not invaded Iraq. I have continually protested the illegal actions of the American and British governments in Iraq and Afghanistan. I never owned slaves, nor have I ever known anyone who did. I never murdered anyone and stole their land. The government in authority over us has done those things, but I have not. I do not ally myself with those actions. In fact, if slavery were legal today, I would never participate, for I believe it is morally wrong to unjustly deprive someone of their freedom. I am against the military draft for the same reason. I would never go and kill people, stealing their possessions, because they were of a different race, culture or religion. However, the federal government has done that for 250 years, and continues to do so. Are you sure you want to say "we" when you speak of those atrocities? Would you want to partake in the karmic consequences of those policies? It's easy to look into the past for atrocious behavior, and be in denial about current horrors. It's easy to apologize for the sins of others and be blind to your own. The Clintons continually apologized for slavery, segregation, Vietnam, etc, but never for their own misdeeds. You see the bumper sticker, "Clinton lied, but no one died." Not true! The Clintons presided over numerous illegal invasions, and lots of people died. Remember Yugoslavia, in Eastern Europe? Remember Somalia, in Africa? Remember Waco, in Texas?
Thank goodness for Cindy Sheehan. Now, there's a woman of Power with whom I can ally myself. The media basically ignore her, and by sticking to her principles, she's alienated the corrupt leadership of the Democrats and Republicans; but this woman, like Gandhi, has drawn a line in the sand, and will not retreat. What courage this woman exhibits. Cindy Sheehan walks her talk, and I am proud to stand with her and say "we" for her spiritual values are my own. I have so much respect for her.
We're living in a time when it is not safe to speak one's mind if it contradicts the current politically correct status quo. Most of this country has remained silent while the Constitution has been gutted. Tragically, most of our fellow citizens seem to think they are free. Of course, they are not. We will not regain our freedoms without embracing the spiritual power within us. Politicians, whether they are from your own political party or not, do not serve your interests, unless you have promised or given them large sums of money. Despite that, remember that you are an immensely powerful spiritual being. You have the power and authority to define who you are and what is important to you. Choose your words to carefully reflect that reality. Don't use "we" unless you really want to bind yourself karmically to that action or group. Actually, the groups that have either blessed, or oppressed us can benefit from the healing which occurs when we stand in the light of our own individual commitment to truth. These groups may be our own families, our neighborhoods, our countries, and indeed, our species! Every time we choose truth, we advance our spiritual growth and the evolution of humankind. Such is the exquisiteness of our interrelatedness.
This information is meant to empower us, not to make us annoying or preachy. No one appreciates people running around correcting everybody. In the end, your example is your best sermon. This is another confirmation of my oft repeated admonition, "When people show you who they are, believe them the first time." People are always talking, talking, talking, but really we tell others who we are and what is important to us by our actions. When we do speak about our beliefs or values, it's a good idea to be consciously aware of the company we are keeping because of those values.
To ask Robert a question, visit his website at, email or send mail to PO Box 33, Santa Fe NM 87504.