This Friday and Saturday, protesters in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street plan marches and demonstrations around northern New Mexico.
Here's the schedule:
Friday, Oct. 14
4 pm, Occupy Taos: demonstration at Taos Plaza
All day, Occupy Santa Fe: Protesters are camped on the corner of Paseo de Peralta and St. Francis Drive, outside a local Bank of America branch, where they've been demonstrating all week.
Saturday, Oct. 15
9 am, Santa Fe: Occupy Santa Fe will hold a march, starting at the Bank of America (101 Paseo de Peralta) and ending at the state capitol.
10 am, Santa Fe: Join Occupy Santa Fe for an all-day protest at the Roundhouse (corner of Paseo de Peralta and Old Santa Fe Trail; meet on the east side). Updated : Thanks to our friends at Occupy Santa Fe, we've learned that this event has no end time and that Food Not Bombs will serve its weekly meal there. Stop by!
On Twitter , follow @SantaFeReporter (we'll be there), @OccupySantaFe and #OccupySantaFe
On Facebook , check in with Occupy Santa Fe
Online , check SFReporter.com for updates
...or just stop by the Roundhouse!