Things you learn at the Roundhouse early in the morning: Mountain lions really aren't that into wild pork.
At approximately 8:35am, the House Agriculture and Water Resources voted unanimously (6-0) for House Bill 594, a bill banning human contact of almost any kind with feral hogs. Among the new crimes:
importation, transportation, breeding, sale or operation a commercial hunting operation of feral hog = misdemeanor, with a maximum penalty of $1,000 or one year in jail.
I came in during the public comment period where ranchers talked about how hogs spread disease and how you can't even count on mountain lions to balance out the food chain.
No one testified against the bill, not even the Hurt Hunting operation in Deming responsible for the posted image. Add HB 594 to the list of animal rights legislation this session.
Well, it ain't all Pigs Gone Wild at the Roundhouse this morning. The CSF advocates are organizing on the ground floor for their big advocacy day. Hard to say how big it will get. Follow our coverage here (and check back later).
Also, there are some creepy cut-outs of foster children from the New Mexican Child Advocacy Networks in the hallways: