Santa Feans (and everyone else) turned out in droves this past weekend for the Rail Runner's free holiday service to Albuquerque. And while the crowds packed themselves quite cosily into the shiny new cars, the density was nowhere near that found in, say, any subway or foreign metropolis. This relative space, however, didn't stop a few free-riding naysayers from voicing their disapproval: "They should get more cars," "This is a fire hazard." Fire hazard or not, there were also those who made the best of the situation, cracking jokes for their close-in neighbors and bellowing the occasional "moo," either in reference to the cattle-like conditions or the train's first casualty. So as we made the 80-minute descent to Duke City in all our brand-new metal fury, we laughed, we complained, we listened to "Tiny Dancer" on someone's cell phone and we certainly got there in one piece.