Well, we finally made it. The long awaited Joker movie has arrived in cinemas, a modestly budgeted “superhero” movie that has exhaustingly made waves in the press over the last few months. How is it, you ask? Expect a whole lot of pseudo-psychology and grandiose visuals that have little-to-nothing to offer its supposed character-driven cinema.
Is it really a surprise at this point that Joaquin Phoenix gives another incredible performance? The man is reaching Daniel Day-Lewis/Gary Oldman levels of craft, and this is arguably more his movie than it is Director Todd Phillips’ (The Hangover). To his credit, Phoenix’s Arthur is fascinating to follow, and Robert De Niro deserves a mention as talk show host Murray Franklin. It’s remarkable how comfortable he comes off while Phillip’s King of Comedy references remind you how good that movie was.
Is it really a surprise at this point that Joaquin Phoenix gives another incredible performance? The man is reaching Daniel Day-Lewis/Gary Oldman levels of craft, and this is arguably more his movie than it is Director Todd Phillips’ (The Hangover). To his credit, Phoenix’s Arthur is fascinating to follow, and Robert De Niro deserves a mention as talk show host Murray Franklin. It’s remarkable how comfortable he comes off while Phillip’s King of Comedy references remind you how good that movie was.
Regardless of all the complaints, Joker remains a tremendous reach for DC Films and Warner Bros, and that willingness to think outside the box should be viewed as a partial success. When the market is loaded with cardboard cutout characters in fake-looking outfits, staring off into space when not engaging in a massive CGI battle, at least we have something different here. If this movie proves to be a success, maybe it’ll allow someone down the line to make a wholeheartedly good piece of cinema in the comic book genre.
+Pretty visuals; Phoenix’s powerhouse talents
-Replaces character examination with lazy plot engines; fails to carry cinematic weight
Directed by Phillips
With Phoenix and De Niro
Violet Crown, Regal (both locations), R, 121 min.