Items for calendar consideration may be submitted via mail, fax, e-mail ( or online and must be received two weeks before publication.>>> Designates items highlighted in this week's issue.
What happens when we think? This question undergirds two otherwise dissimilar lectures at St. John's this week. First, James Carey (too easy) considers the relationship between the mind and truth in his lecture, "The Privilege of Reason II: Identity and Eternity." Then, after the project of epistemology is laid to rest, author and Connecticut College professor Lawrence Vogel explores the provocative question, "Is 'not-thinking' the root of 'the greatest evil'?" That question was first posed by Hannah Arendt in the wake of Nazi bureaucrat Adolf Eichmann's 1961 trial and it lays the foundation for Vogel's lecture, "Eichmann in Athens: Hannah Arendt and the New Problem of Evil."
3 pm Wednesday, April 16. Free. Junior Common Room.
8 pm Friday, April 18. Free.
Great Hall, St. John's College, 1160 Camino Cruz Blanca, 984-6400
School for Advanced Research resident scholar Omri Elisha has been spending time with grassroots social justice activists in unlikely places. At two evangelical megachurches in east Tennessee Elisha found small groups of activists organizing around issues of urban poverty, refugees, race relations, at-risk youth and homelessness. But despite the staggering membership figures for the two congregations, the activists had trouble attracting significant participants to their cause. This is just one of the many little-known quirks of the religious right megachurch culture Elisha speaks about in his lecture, "Sorting Confetti in a Wind Tunnel: The Social Worlds of American Megachurches."
Noon Wednesday, April 16. Free.
SAR Boardroom, 660 Garcia St., 954-7203
There goes Body Café, messing with our quantum particles again. I hadn't even noticed that I'd been viciously torn from my "soul core in the oneness," but apparently Quantum Lightweaving is the method (nay, experience) that can sew me back together. Visionary and intuitive quantum healer Kenji Kumara demonstrates
Quantum Lightweaving
and the first 15 people to arrive receive a live-demo treatment. Leave your time-space continuum at home; you won't be need it here.
7 pm Wednesday, April 16. $20.
Body Café, 333 W. Cordova Road, 986-0362
What can German globemakers, British cartographers, the Marx brothers and Roadrunner cartoons tell us about writers, from Sappho to Italo Calvino? According to Peter Purchi, author of
Maps of the Imagination: The Writer as Cartographer
, both cartographers and writers draw from the same well of creativity, curiosity and adventuresome spirit. Turchi talks and signs copies (see
6 pm Thursday. April 17. Free.
Collected Works Bookstore, 208-B W. San Francisco St., 988-4226
Desirée Mays, nationally known speaker for the Santa Fe Opera and the Met and the author of the annual Opera Unveiled series, which previews and summarizes the plays featured in the upcoming opera season, discusses the five operas of the 2008 season and signs copies of her book. Books will be on sale at a reduced price and will be free to members of the Santa Fe Opera Guild or anyone joining at the door; memberships start at $35.
7 pm Thursday, April 17. Free.
Congregation Beit Tikva, 2230 Old Pecos Trail, 795-0956
New-age conspiracist extraordinaire David Icke (rhymes with "like") visits the "Camp Lovewave" radio show for a one-hour, two-part conversation. You might remember Icke from claims such as "the world is controlled by a race of reptilian humanoids," "we are all targets and victims of continual mind control" and "9.11 is a big lie." Part one airs this week. Tune in, but don't forget your tinfoil hat!
10 am Saturday, April 19. KSFR 101.1 FM
Shiela Ortego is not only president of Santa Fe Community College, she is a published poet who is releasing her debut novel,
The Road From La Cueva
. The book follows a young mother in a domineering, emotionally abusive relationship as she finds the path to freedom and self-determination. Ortego talks and signs books in conjunction with a benefit for Esperanza Shelter for Battered Families. All purchases made at any New Mexico Borders bookstore on Friday and Saturday, April 18 and 19 benefit Esperanza if the customer has a coupon, which can be downloaded at
3 pm Saturday, April 19. Free.
Borders Books and Music, 500 Montezuma Ave., 954-4707
The Friends of Writers host an evening of readings, music, art, conversation and food. Featured are Peter Turchi, readings by David Haynes, SFR contributor Robert Wilder, Cynthia Reeves and Richard Lehnert; music by Poppy Wilder and Chris Jonas and art by Ooh-La-La-Designs. The event is a benefit for the Holden Diversity Scholarship in the MFA for Writers Program at Warren Wilson College.
5:30 pm Friday, April 18. $20.
William Siegal Gallery, 540 S. Guadalupe St., 988-9748
The second company of Moving People Dance Santa Fe, Moving People Too, and professional MPD dancers and choreographers present the popular "Louder Than Words" production.
7:30 pm Friday and Saturday, April 18 and 19. 2 pm Sunday, April 20. $15-$20. James A Little Theater, 1060 Cerrillos Road, 438-9180
God's Green Ghost
is a local new music ensemble that incorporates elements of jazz, classical, world and experimental traditions into an eclectic, contemporary blend of composed and improvised sounds. Part of GGG's mission is to build a bridge between Santa Fe and notable musicians in other cities. To this end, Christopher McIntyre from Brooklyn, NY, is featured on trombone and laptop for GGG's debut concert (see
7:30 pm Wednesday, April 16. $10-$20.
GiG Performance Space, 1808 Second St., 699-5470
The Carl Rosa Opera Company present Gilbert and Sullivan's masterpiece of satire,
The Mikado
. Originally produced at the Savoy Theatre in England in 1885,
The Mikado
was so popular that it ran for 672 nights and went to successful productions in New York and Philadelphia. The Carl Rosa Opera Company ably performs this classic piece of the operatic repertoire, being in existence since five years prior to
The Mikado
's first production.
7:30 pm Thursday, April 17. $30-$85.
Lensic, 211 W. San Francisco St., 988-1234
Silvia Nakkach and Friends present and evening of sacred chant with an original repertoire drawing on traditions from India, Africa, Tibet, Brazil and the Amazon.
7:30 Friday, April 18. $25.
Body, 333 W. Cordova Road, 986-0362
The Lensic and the Spanish Colonial Art Society present the Eighth Annual Nuestra Musica, a celebration of traditional Nuevomexicano music. This year's festival features Frank McCulloch y sus Amigos, Chuy Martinez y Oti Ruiz, Roberto Mondragon and Brenda M Romero.
7 pm Saturday, April 19. $10.
Lensic, 211 W. San Francisco St., 988-1234
Eight young musician finalists from Santa Fe, Albuquerque, Corrales and Los Alamos compete in the final audition for $3,000 in scholarships. The winners also perform at next month's Santa Fe Pro Musica Young Artists Recital.
10 am Saturday, April 19. Free.
O'Shaughnessy Performance Space
1600 St. Michael's Drive, 988-4640, ext. 1004
For the fifth season, the Santa Fe Opera and Santa Fe New Music present an evening of chamber music by the living composer whose opera is being performed in the summer season. This year brings Finnish composer, Kaija Saariaho, whose opera,
Adriana Mater
, receives its American premiere in July. The program features chamber works and solo works with electronics.
7 pm Saturday, April 19. $10-$20.
Stieren Hall, Santa Fe Opera, Hwy. 84/285,
7 miles north of Santa Fe, 986-5955
Social circus troupe Wise Fool presents its latest series of productions.
Puppet Tales
offers six weeks of visual storytelling through puppetry, stilts, shadows and other circus fare. This week brings
The Secret of Joy
, an allegory of friendship, fear and the persistence of honey bees.
6:30 pm Friday, April 18; 2 pm Saturday and Sunday, April 19 and 20. $5-$12. Wise Fool Studios, 2778 Agua Fria Road, Unit D, 992-2588
Southwest Children's Theatre Productions presents a unique evening of children's theater in which local playwright Rebecca Morgan and 40 students from SWCTP's after-school performing-arts classes present their adaptation of an award-winning short story by 11-year-old Emily Bergman. "The Princesses and the Peanut" is a one-hour tale of a world full of food snobs that fail to satisfy the unpretentious tastes of the Shitake Sisters, who just so happen to be princesses. Songs and music by Melange accompany the tale.
2 pm and 6 pm Saturday, April 19. $5-$10.
Santa Fe Playhouse, 142 E. De Vargas St., 984-3055
Santa Fe Performing Arts celebrates its 20th year with a presentation of
Willy Wonka
, based on the timeless
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
. Glow paint, black lights, digital projections, trap doors and moving set pieces promise to make this show as visually dazzling as the story (and candy) is rich.
7 pm Friday, April 18; 2 pm Saturday and Sunday, April 19 and 20. $7. Armory for the Arts Theater, 1050 Old Pecos Trail, 984-1370