Courtesy Gieo Pensoneault
Beyond Buzzwords
Coaching workshop goes from woo to workforce
Gieo Pensoneault says a lot of nice words when talking about his upcoming workshop, The Art of Self-Reinvention, which offers a quick 'n' dirty primer on how to harness your own passions and talents to live your best life.
"It starts by creating a vision for your life and what you want to create," he tells SFR. "Sometimes it's a whole new life experience, sometimes it's to up-level their career. … Then we integrate these tools of story, movement and ritual-making to give people the tools to re-pattern their lives and their mind."
But all that sounds kind of woo-woo, right? Perhaps. Pensoneault admits the esoteric ideas might turn some folks off, particularly those new to this kind of self-reflection, so he breaks it down to how it happens in real life.
"A lot of my tools come from neuroscience, specifically from neuro-linguistic programming," he says. "I blend together storytelling and movement and myth creation into a container and an experience that people can have when they are excited about reinventing themselves."
Pensoneault, who has studied under a number of renowned life and career coaches (including some of Tony Robbins' very first classes in the late 1980s, and it doesn't get much more renowned than that), also says, "There are certain times of the year where it's just really natural to do this work, and it's observable that spring is a time of renewal and rebirth and reinvention. It's an inspiring time to do the work."
And, beyond woo, this self-help work is actually applicable to the real world, as Pensoneault knows from experience. "I come from an entrepreneurial family," he says. "A lot of what I help people to do is to take their natural gifts and redirect their life toward creating their stream of income in a way that is really enjoyable. … I actually worked in a different career field for 25 years as a landscape architect, and still do some of that work—but the center point is always based on work that I just love to do. So I pass that along and help other people see how to do that." (Charlotte Jusinski)
2-4:30 pm Sunday April 14. $10-$37.
Santa Fe Oxygen & Healing Bar (Kaverns),
137 W San Francisco St.,
986-5037; register at onetruecalling.net
A New World

Courtesy Museum of Spanish Colonial Art
Hot off the heels of its exciting and critically adored GenNext show, the Museum of Spanish Colonial Art plays things a little safer with Paul Pletka: Converging Faiths in the New World. Pletka's semi-surrealist works find the intersection between Christian and Indigenous imagery for an overview of our region's cultural and ceremonial past. Word is, Pletka's considered to be quite in tune with and sensitive to the particulars of Native arts and culture, and his bold palette and style choices illustrate a deep connection to the area and its people. Find 15 pieces alongside historical materials. (Alex De Vore)
Paul Pletka: Converging Faiths in the New World:
10 am-5 pm Friday April 12. Museum admission $10. Through Oct. 20.
Museum of Spanish Colonial Art,
750 Camino Lejo,
They Gather

Courtesy artofmtg.com
Say what you want about certified crazy-popular card game Magic: The Gathering, ye nerd-phobic jocks—just know that it's one of the most universally adored and played games in the entire tabletop world. Not only is the game rich and complex, it's one of the cooler repositories of stellar art on the planet; Santa Fe-based artist Stephane Martiniere, for example (who has worked on Star Wars and on video games like RAGE) has a few pieces on some of those cards. As such, Big Adventure Comics hosts tournaments in the game often, and the nerd horn ringeth out across the land. Not only can participants vie for bragging rights, your pals at Big Adventure are stepping up with prizes, special decks and booster packs and more. Huzzah! (ADV)
Magic: The Gathering Tournaments:
7 pm Friday April 12; 7 pm Saturday April 13; 5 pm Sunday April 14. $5-$15.
Big Adventure Comics,
418 Montezuma Ave.,
A Rail Tale

SFR File Photo
We at SFR pretty much love the Railyard. We like hanging at Second Street Brewery, we take in free shows in the summer—it's where we host our annual Best of Santa Fe party each July. But, like most things, there's always room for improvement, and that is why Richard Czoski of the Santa Fe Railyard Community Corporation wants to meet with you. Czoski will be present for a special luncheon event at the Santa Fe Woman's Club this Monday to give interested parties an idea of what's upcoming for the community space that can and does and will. You'll need to reserve your spot, because there's food involved, but we're betting some cool things will be discussed. (ADV)
Richard Czoski: Plans for Railyard District:
11:45 am Monday April 15. $8.
Santa Fe Woman's Club,
1616 Old Pecos Trail,