Courtesy International Youth Orchestra
Have Orchestra, Will Travel
Local student musicians seek funds for travel to South Korea
It's a bit unusual for teen musicians from multiple schools to come together as a band, but in the case of one newly minted local youth orchestra comprised of students from the New Mexico School for the Arts, the Mandela International Magnet School and the Santa Fe Waldorf School, it's about something larger than mere school alliegiance. Eight such students who range between 13 and 16 have gathered under the tutelage of local orchestra teachers Carla Kountoupes and Lee Harvey to attend the first-ever International Youth Orchestra Festival in Santa Fe's sister city of Icheon, South Korea, next month and, according to Kountoupes, it's been magical.
Kountoupes, a violinist in addition to her educational duties, also says she's a big fan of the sister cities program, and that the students who make up the band had to navigate a rigorous application process to be selected.
"We create an atmosphere where we recognize that music is a place to come together," Kountoupes tells SFR. "And it's not just our students who are playing."
In addition to Santa Fe's offering, similar student groups from Japan, France, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere have been invited to perform. Each chose a piece of music specific to their corner of the globe, and each will perform a repertoire
consisting of those choices.
"It's an opportunity that fell into our laps for our students that I know doesn't come every day," Kountoupes explains. "They're all super-motivated and
super-awesome and super-talented students."
And while the invitation is prestigious and the city of Icheon has offered to
provide room and board for the fledgling musicians during their stay, the kids themselves are on the hook for airfare.
What to do? Organize a fundraising event.
With assistance from Kountoupes and Harvey, the student orchestra performs on the evening of Wednesday June 5. This accompanies another performance from local percussion group Smokin' Bachi Taiko, a silent auction for items such as music lessons, Korean ceramics and other delights, and, perhaps the jewel in the event's crown: traditional Korean food from Albuquerque's Korean American
Association of New Mexico. (Alex De Vore)
International Youth Orchestra Festival Fundraiser
6 pm Wednesday June 5. $30-$40.
Santa Fe Waldorf School,
26 Puesta del Sol,
Talk Talk

Courtesy johnpaulwhite.com
We obsess over music like a religion, gleaning what we can from lyrics and sounds, following our favorite artists online and real life in often futile attempts to get to know our heroes. But, as it happens, it's always better to hear it from the horse's mouth. Enter AMP Concerts' newest series, whereupon select touring music-makers who play in the Railyard this summer take the time to meet and engage with fans in conversation about their material and careers. The first in the series features John Paul White, the onetime member of Grammy-nominated indie-folk duo The Civil Wars. Since returning to the solo singer-songwriter circuit in 2016, White's reinvigorated his tunes with a focused Nashville sound and all the introspective lyricism one could want from a musician and storyteller. Hear more stories when he talks at Violet Crown, where there is also beer. (ADV)
Conversations in the Railyard: John Paul White:
2 pm Saturday June 8. $12.
Violet Crown Cinema,
1606 Alcaldesa St., 216-5678.
Concert: 7 pm Saturday June 8. Free.
Railyard Plaza, Market and Alcaldesa Streets.

Public Domain
Remember around Oscars time when the film world bemoaned and scorned an announcement that the Best Editing category would no longer be televised? The Academy wised up and reversed that decision, but it did foster an important understanding among those uninitiated in the nuts and bolts of film: Editing is effing important. It might even be the most important aspect of why and how the films we love run and appear as they do. Would you like to learn more? Good news, then—Hollywood editor Paul Barnes speaks on the matter this week. Barnes dispels the mysteries of the editing process, proving its vital importance and teaching a thing or two that might just deepen your appreciation while he's at it. He'll use two films he's edited, The Thin Blue Line and The Roosevelts, to illustrate his point; you'll be amazed. (ADV)
The Invisible Art: Unlocking the Secrets of Film Editing:
9:30 am-noon Sunday June 9. $15.
Center for Contemporary Arts,
1050 Old Pecos Trail,

Public Domain
We know what you're thinking: School's out, and you now have to spend months finding things for your kids to do. Oh, sure, you could stick them with a math tutor or force 'em to hit the field in sports—or, you could nurture their more artistic side with a free art class on the Southside. In conjunction with the International Folk Art Museum, the Santa Fe Public Library hosts Folk Art Afternoons, an ongoing series of workshops that lets those kids dabble in the arts without any fear of judgment or failure. This week finds lessons in "stained glass" painting. And while it's not the exact same process that dons our world's greatest cathedrals, it's something to do for a few hours. You're welcome.(ADV)
Folk Art Afternoon: "Stained Glass" Painting:
3:30 pm Tuesday June 11. Free.
Santa Fe Public Library Southside,
6599 Jaguar Drive,