hink of
Rebecca Schoenkopf
as FOX News Kryptonite. As the head of
, Schoenkopf and her team of dogged bloggers take on the Goliaths of the political realm on a daily basis (she also throws some pretty amazing parties). This Friday, Schoenkopf and co. finally
for a night of revelry that promises booze, fodder and missing underpants.
What can attendees expect?
For me to buy them a margarita, because of how I am rad like that. Also, I will give them stickers. And if they want to buy some cups and shirts, I will be selling them out of the trunk of my car, because “class.” It’s free, but if people want to bring a check for Habitat for Humanity, I will not tell them to get the fuck out.
Are Republicans welcome?
Republicans ARE welcome. I used to be engaged to one even, he was the political director for the California Republican Party. It used to be, you could be a Communist in Orange County, Calif., and you could go to GOP parties, and nobody would even scream at you to get out of their country and go back to Nazi Germany! Sadly, those days are passed. But since I am only mean in print (or pixels) and almost never in person, Republicans will be made to feel very welcome, with only gentle ribbing at the most.
The last time I went to one of these, I woke up the next day, and both my wallet and underwear were missing. Will this one be like that?
Yes, this will be like that.