1 Secretary of State's Office blames its computer system for delay in providing campaign finance reports online.If only they'd make the darn "on" switch easier to find! 2 Thornburg Mortgage projects losses in its first quarter.We hope they didn't pay someone to come up with that projection. 3 Los Alamos National Laboratory seeking a private funder.Fortunately, Dr. Evil has some extra cash to play with. 4 City has waiting list for new paid-parking facilities.Do you have to pay to be on the waiting list too? 5 City of Santa Fe receives lots of complaints about political signs.No. 1 complaint: Not enough purple. 6 UNM says it will no longer pay for lawmakers' cocktails.That should save enough money for a new campus. 7 It's Bike to Work Week.Also known as Bike to Work Through Construction Zones Week.