Carlos Fierro’s trial for allegedly killing a man while driving drunk will be held in Santa Fe.
Are tickets on sale yet?
City Council considers banning electronic signage in the historic district.
And requiring all businesses there to use only candlelight and conduct transactions by abacus.
Bike to Work Week doubles in participants.
There is an upside to the recession after all.
University of New Mexico nixes handshakes during commencement ceremony due to swine flu fears.
And uses biohazard suits instead of graduation robes.
Motor Vehicle Division says it will make it harder for people with fake documents to get driver’s licenses.
Maybe they could make it harder for people who can’t drive to get them, too.
Nambé ware made in China.
And so is that tamale you’re eating.
City considers shortening rec center and bus operation hours to save money.
Which fits with its long-range plan to create more overweight shut-ins.