New York investment advisor admits he made politically motivated investment recommendations in New Mexico.
When in Rome…
Think-tank Think New Mexico recommends banning political contributions from lobbyists and government contractors.
There’s a no-brainer.
Santa Fe City Council will consider caps on campaign contributions.
But then what will we do with all of our discretionary income?
City Council will consider funding Railyard movie theater with taxpayer bonds.
Translation: Taxpayers may be buying a movie theater.
Educators and others rally against education cuts.
But how can we afford to fund schools when there are so many movie theaters and politicians who need our cash?
Federal grand jury indicts former Los Alamos National Laboratory worker for trying to steal contaminated gold.
He’d seen one too many “Cash for Gold” commercials.
Aamodt legislation likely won’t be changed, although public poll says the majority of residents have negative feelings about it.
After all, who cares what the public thinks, anyway?