On pulling out, Romney <3 Martinez, and a car wash scam.
George W Bush addresses economic summit.
Subject: How to bankrupt a superpower.
2 Rick Santorum pulls out of presidential race.
In a nod to his chosen form of birth control.
Santa Fe County Deputy Treasurer accused of car wash scam.
Cleanliness may be godliness, but even God doesn't scam the car wash.
Gov. Martinez swears she doesn't want to be Romney's VP.
Then again, if Rick Santorum were still in the race...
Gary Johnson says a Martinez VP pick would be a "Palin-esque" mistake.
Except for the lucrative book tour.
Incumbent state Sen. Phil Griego, D-Los Alamos, rakes in $1,000 from Anheuser-Busch.
But neglects to tell them which district to send it to.
NM Supreme Court takes up candidate nominating petition snafu.
Next on the agenda: Should candidates have to know math?