On socialist France, pot-deprived caller, Gary johnson, and late night Santorum endorsement.
Border Patrol unveils new strategy.
Dubbed “Operation: Bankrupt the US Economy So No One Wants To Come Here Anyway.”
2 Santorum endorses Romney via late-night email.
Then drunk-texts Gingrich: “I luv u more.”
Gary Johnson wins Libertarian Party nomination.
Imaginary veepstakes: Susana Martinez vs. the 39-lb. ghost of Meow.
France elects socialist president.
Confirming everything we already knew about France.
Former Sen. Pete Domenici turns 80.
Yeah, remember him?
Caller threatens NM Dept. of Health, reportedly after being denied a medical marijuana card.
Easy solution: Just give him some weed.
Meow dies of lung failure.
Officials consider raising 40-lb. prairie dogs to keep New Mexico in the news cycle.