On plague infested cats, sunny Santa Fe, and Gov. Martinez.
Taos cat has the plague.
Looking for the veiled Ted Nugent reference? Yeah, it's there.
2 Santa Fe County bans the use of certain fireworks.
And that annoying Katy Perry song.
Jay McCleskey's role in NM is "no different than the role Karl Rove played," McCleskey's mentor tells the Journal.
And everybody knows Karl Rove was harmless.
Gov. Martinez insists that no one tells her what to do.
"I'm the decider!"
Secretary of State's office kills straight-party tickets.
NM GOP cackles like Mr. Burns.
Fortune names Santa Fe best "sunny" place to retire.
Since, really, what else is there to do around here?
Gov. Martinez tells staff to use work email for work.
And next in Obvious Advice: Don't play with plague-infested cats.