On the prairie dog shooter and early morning nightlife meeting.
1 Isotopes settle with boy hit on head by baseball.
Fuego still hoping to hit a baseball.
2 Romney names Paul Ryan VP, calls him “next president.”
Gov. Martinez kicking herself, reportedly was unaware she’d get to be president and VP.
3 City Council to discuss “diminishing nightlife.”
And, without a trace of irony, schedules the meeting at 8:30 am on a weekday.
4 Police apprehend prairie dog shooter.
Whack-a-mole suspect still on the loose.
5 NM Secretary of State’s voter purge hits Common Cause voting rights director, state legislator’s wife.
Hint: When purging voter rolls, don’t be quite so obvious.
6 Price of Zozobra tickets after Sept. 1: $20.
Watching a giant moaning puppet burn alive: priceless.
7 New Mexican endorses plastic-bag ban.
Forget journalism; let’s talk about your grocery-shopping habits.