On slap-fighting, legitimate rape, and tainted lettuce.
1 Local man slaps referee during soccer game, police report.
Slap-fighting: the adult way to deal with frustration.
2 Rep. Todd Akin, R-Missouri, says that victims of "legitimate rape" don't get pregnant.
See how dumb society gets when we don’t have sex ed?
3 Heather Wilson calls for Akin to end his Senate campaign.
So she doesn't have to share the crazy-talk limelight.
4 Santa Fe IRS office closes so "lone staff member" can be trained.
That explains a lot.
5 FDA recalls tainted lettuce.
We love it, but it hurts us so.
6 NM lottery revenues drop.
If people would just quit winning…
7 The Fluoride Deception documentary screens in Santa Fe.
We recommend watching Dr. Strangelove first.