On a Cheeky Police Officer and Greg Solano's Badge Bunnies.
1 State police officer on leave after his car is spotted at Cheeks.
New morals code reportedly resulting in mass layoffs.
2 Tropical storm upsets GOP convention.
In a futile attempt to remind them about that whole global warming thing.
3 NM leads in export growth.
Since nobody here has any money to buy things.
4 Former Sheriff Greg Solano launches Kickstarter for handmade poker paraphernalia.
Which he plans to sell on eBay.
5 Solano also working on novel titled Badge Bunnies, about girls who love cops.
And no, they don’t all work at Cheeks.
6 The Onion ceases publishing in Santa Fe.
Apparently, we’re a humorless bunch.
7 NM Corrections Dept. screens rape awareness video “nonstop” on prison TVs.
Just in case you forget where you are.