On prairie dog relocation, Police Shooting Championships, and the chicken conflict vote.
1 Republican national groups pull funding for Senate candidate Heather Wilson.
Apparently, she's just not crazy enough.
2 After dropping in the polls, Wilson promises supporters a comeback.
And free unicorn rides.
3 NRA stages National Police Shooting Championships in Albuquerque.
APD expected to win first in civilian-shooting category.
4 Gov. Susana Martinez refuses to testify in wrongful termination case.
Transparency second!
5 Local group seeks protection for prairie dogs relocated from Santa Fe.
Because prairie dogs are people, too.
6 New Mex headline: "Eldorado lot owners to vote on chicken conflict."
Eldorado: where real people face real problems.
7 NM Business Weekly reports business owners are waiting until after the election to hire.
In case Mitt Romney changes his mind about who's allowed to build what.