On Romney... mostly Romney.
1 Romney Gaffe No. 1: “Middle-income” people make $200K-$250K and less.
Don’t you wish you were middle-income?
2 Romney Gaffe No. 2: Forty-seven percent of voters “believe that they are victims.”
Of shitty politicians.
3 Romney Gaffe No. 3: Forty-seven percent of voters also don’t pay income taxes.
So apparently that includes...the Romneys?
4 Romney Gaffe No. 4: Had his father been “born of, uh, Mexican parents, I’d have a better shot of winning this.”
See? Should’ve put Gov. Susana Martinez on the ticket.
5 Romney Gaffe No. 5: TBD
He’s the gaffe that keeps on giving!
6 Gov. Martinez polling at 69 percent approval.
We’ll leave the dirty jokes to Caroline Morgan.
7 Heather Wilson announces comeback: She’s only 5 points behind Martin Heinrich!
And there are totally points for second place! Wait...