On redneck parenting, political massages, and Romney's brown face.
1 Man billed $186K for snake-bite treatment.
Snake to sue hospital for royalties.
2 Father hogties 5-year-old, claiming he "doesn't believe in spanking."
It's called "taking the low road."
3 Spaceport America development lags.
Due to lack of enthusiasm for Newt Gingrich's "colonize the moon" initiative.
4 Abq state lawmaker used campaign funds for massages.
So that's why they keep running for office!
5 AP: "Unproductive Congress takes break."
Read: massage break.
6 Gawker: Romney "dyed his face brown" before appearing on Univision.
Latinos reportedly not fooled.
7 Romney campaign pulls three key staffers from NM.
After they refuse to dye their faces.