On Super Susana, a bit of politics, and "most improved" NM Mag.
1 Gov. Susana Martinez rescues unattended child from car.
A repeat performance is planned for her 2014 reelection campaign.
2 New Mex: “Gardner talks dirty for Jennings campaign.”
Politics: never as sexy as you hope it’ll be.
3 Police report big drop in residential burglaries.
‘Recessionista’ thieves learn it’s more efficient to lift handfuls of jewelry from Plaza shops.
4 Ex-Santa Fe resident competes on The Voice.
In hopes of winning some of those red swivel-chairs for the as-yet-unfurnished courthouse.
5 NM Magazine wins “most improved” award.
Nothing like a good, honest consolation prize.
6 Romney jumps in polls after debate with Obama.
Dems hope Biden can restore the lead, then remember that it’s Biden.
7 New Mex editorial urges parents not to leave children unattended in cars.
Unless a political figure is nearby.